Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Off Ramp: Adventures and Heartache in the American Elsewhere Review

Off Ramp: Adventures and Heartache in the American Elsewhere
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This book consists largely (entirely?) of reprints of Stuever's articles for the style section of the Washington Post, so I guess that it's kosher to review it before it actually appears in stores next week.
Every day I turn to the Style section hoping to see Hank's byline, because he is simply the funniest man alive. (Yeah, David Sedaris, I'm talking to you. You don't even come close.) Through patient observations of small details, he persuades that our world is ridiculous, with its plastic chairs and its star-spangled panties on Wonder Woman. But instead of laughing at it, he celebrates this ridiculousness because it's these skewed aspects of our culture that make it so wonderful.
Stuever's not simply a humorist; some of his essays (especially the appreciations of recently deceased figures in American culture) reveal a wide sentimental streak. But all of his essays make the world enchanted again, and are could melt the heart of the most jaded of cynics.

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